Ready to Sew Jeanne with Iron on “Couturière”


Wow I am so excited to share this with you all! This is my new project that has been a long time coming! I have really enjoyed slowing down with my sewing and blogging to be able to make more “scary” sewing projects that I would have otherwise passed by. I know that iron on appliqués are not that big of a deal but it is something new for me so I was a little bit hesitant!


To start with, a brief description of the idea and development of this printout is on the Ready to Sew blog here. This is where you get the file to use with this beautiful color that you can change, but I loved it!


Then, I needed to know how to do this entire process and I found this video on youtube very very helpful!

In short, this is just to help you get started and get to the proper resources. I found several YouTube’s on ironing on letters but it was mostly cricut based and I do not have a cricut. I decided that a lot of you also may not have a cricut, so I thought this would be helpful! The youtube video I have linked is very short and sweet and gives you a good list of materials. I went to my local fabric store and got some materials similar to the ones in the video. I got some printable iron on sheets for lighter fabrics (meaning the white “extra” parts are clear on the shirt). Here is one you can order on Amazon! (And here is my amazon page where I have plenty of other sewing tools that I commonly use and purchase from amazon if you are interested.) You must have an inkjet printer, and not just a laser printer, to print out the design on the paper. I also had an exacto knife to make close cuts around the letters. Other than those things, the other materials are basic materials you should have for sewing (an iron)!


You will have to reverse the letter design to be a mirror image and you will have to size it to fit your shirt. I printed a few test sizes out onto regular paper and held them up to my body to determine if it was ok.


I went ahead and tested out a piece of the iron-on paper onto a scrap piece of fabric. I did this to see what kind of film it left. It is mostly clear but you could tell that something was barely there and I decided I didn’t really love that. Therefore, I cut away most of the excess and ended up putting it on a stripe and it turned out super straight!


I think I left it cool for a bit too long because the paper was not easy to pull off at all! On the test it actually was easy to peel so this caught me off guard. The only thing I can think of was that I left the paper on there too long to cool.


I wanted the shirt to be a little different so I just folded a hem under at the neckline. I wanted a slightly wider neckline. I decided to still add the cuffs and put the normal hem on the bottom! I am so so excited with this shirt and it was definitely a long long time coming. I hope you love it as much as I do and have fun experimenting! The sky is truly the limit for these types of things!

Victoria SmithComment